Technology and Infrastructure

Technology Stack Overview

Compute Labs employs a robust technology stack that includes blockchain, cloud, and AI technologies to deliver secure and efficient solutions. Our infrastructure supports the seamless integration of these technologies, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

Security Measures and Protocols

Data Encryption:

End-to-End Encryption: All data transmitted between users and our platform is encrypted using industry-standard protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Encryption at Rest: Sensitive data stored on our servers is encrypted using AES-256, ensuring that it remains secure even in the event of a breach.

Security Audits and Penetration Testing:

Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits, both internally and through third-party experts, to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing: Our platform undergoes periodic penetration testing to simulate real-world attacks and ensure that our defenses are robust.

Smart Contract Security:

Formal Verification: Our smart contracts undergo formal verification to mathematically prove their correctness and security.

Bug Bounties: Compute Labs will run bug bounty programs to incentivize security researchers to identify and report vulnerabilities in our code.

Blockchain Integration Details

Solana Blockchain: We leverage Solana for its unparalleled performance, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second with minimal fees. Solana's Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism ensures fast and secure transaction processing.

Smart Contracts in Rust: Our smart contracts are written in Rust and will be first deployed on Solana. These contracts manage the minting, transfer, and staking of GPU Non-Fungible Tokens (GNFTs), as well as the distribution of yields in $AIFI.

Decentralized Storage: We utilize decentralized storage solutions like Arweave to securely store metadata and other critical information associated with GNFTs.

Future Chain Integration: Following our Solana launch, we are strategically expanding to additional blockchain networks such as NEAR and Monad. This expansion will leverage NEAR's unique features, particularly its Chain Signatures technology, which facilitates seamless cross-chain operations.

GPU Authenticity Validation

At Compute Labs, we employ a multi-faceted approach to rigorously validate the authenticity of our GPU real-world assets (RWAs) that underpin each GNFT. This ensures that every GPU within our network is legitimate, operational, and capable of generating the expected yields and rewards for our GNFT investors. Our validation process includes:

Hardware Specs Verification:

We implement robust hardware-based validation techniques to authenticate the physical presence and specifications of each GPU. This comprehensive approach involves:

  1. Unique Hardware Identifiers: Utilizing NVIDIA's System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) to extract and verify unique GPU identifiers such as serial numbers and PCIe IDs.

  2. Specification Verification: Leveraging open-source tools like GPU-Z in conjunction with nvidia-smi to cross-validate GPU specifications, including CUDA core count, memory size, and clock speeds.

  3. Cryptographic Signatures: Implementing a custom signing process that combines hardware-specific data with time-stamped challenges to create unforgeable cryptographic proofs of GPU presence.

  4. Temporal Validation: Implementing periodic re-validation processes to ensure the continued presence and performance of the GPU over time.

AI Workload Verification:

We employ a small standardized machine learning training task to validate GPU authenticity and performance so we can prevent GPU spoofing and detect GPU degradation:

  1. Benchmark Model: Utilizing a compact, yet computationally intensive neural network model designed to stress-test GPU capabilities.

  2. TFLOPs Validation: Measuring the GPU's performance in Tera Floating Point Operations per Second (TFLOPs) during the training task execution.

  3. Performance Matching: Comparing the observed TFLOPs against the expected performance for the specific GPU model, ensuring alignment with manufacturer specifications.

  4. Anomaly Detection: Implementing statistical analysis to identify any significant deviations that might indicate GPU spoofing or performance degradation.

Remote Monitoring and Analytics:

Our platform implements a comprehensive, real-time monitoring system for each GPU-backed NFT (GNFT), ensuring optimal performance and transparency:

Core GPU Metrics:

  • Utilization: Tracking GPU core and memory usage percentages.

  • Clock Speeds: Monitoring both core and memory clock frequencies.

  • Power Consumption: Measuring power draw and efficiency.

  • Temperature: Observing GPU die and memory junction temperatures.

  • Fan Speed: Tracking cooling system performance.

Operational Status:

  • Uptime and Availability: Monitoring GPU online status and calculating uptime percentages.

  • Error Rates: Tracking and alerting on hardware-level errors or anomalies.

Workload Efficiency:

  • Compute Performance: Measuring TFLOPS during active workloads.

  • Memory Bandwidth: Monitoring data transfer rates.

  • Job Completion Rates: Tracking successful task completions versus failures.

Time Series Analytics:

  • Historical Data: Storing all metrics in a time-series database for trend analysis.

  • Performance Graphs: Generating interactive, real-time charts displayed on user dashboards.

  • Anomaly Detection: Implementing algorithms to identify unusual patterns or performance degradation.

User Dashboard Integration:

  • Asset Overview: Providing a summarized view of all owned GNFTs and their current status.

  • Detailed Metrics: Offering in-depth, customizable graphs for each GNFT asset.

  • Performance Comparisons: Enabling users to benchmark their GNFTs against platform averages.

  • Alerts and Notifications: Allowing users to set custom alerts for specific performance thresholds.

Predictive Maintenance:

  • AI-driven Analysis: Utilizing machine learning models to predict potential hardware issues before they occur.

  • Maintenance Scheduling: Suggesting optimal times for routine maintenance to minimize downtime.

Audit Trails:

All validation processes are logged and auditable, providing a transparent and immutable record of each GPU's authenticity and performance. This ensures accountability and trust in our system.

Transparent Reporting:

  • Public Dashboard: Offering a real-time, publicly accessible view of system-wide validation statistics.

  • Individual GNFT Reports: Providing detailed, auditable histories for each GNFT.

AI-Enhanced Fraud Detection:

  • Deep Learning Models: Utilizing neural networks trained on historical data to identify sophisticated attempts at GPU spoofing or performance manipulation.

  • Continuous Learning: Implementing federated learning techniques to improve fraud detection across the network without compromising individual GPU data privacy.

Yield and Reward Distribution:

  • Smart Contract Automation: Leveraging blockchain-based smart contracts for transparent and automatic distribution of yields and rewards.

  • Performance-Based Allocation: Utilizing validated GPU performance metrics to ensure fair and accurate reward distribution.

  • AI-Optimized Reward Pools: Employing reinforcement learning algorithms to dynamically adjust reward structures, maximizing network efficiency and user satisfaction.

By implementing these rigorous validation techniques, Compute Labs ensures that the GPUs backing our GNFTs are legitimate and functioning optimally, thereby enabling accurate and fair distribution of yields and rewards to our investors.

Open Source Commitment

Compute Labs is deeply committed to the principles of transparency, collaboration, and innovation, which are embodied in our open-source initiatives. We believe that the open-source model fosters a more secure, reliable, and innovative ecosystem. To this end, we have made significant portions of our codebase available to the public, encouraging contributions from developers, researchers, and enthusiasts worldwide.

Our open-source projects include the core smart contracts and various tools for GPU management and monitoring. By embracing open source, we not only enhance the security and reliability of our platform through community scrutiny but also accelerate the pace of innovation by leveraging the collective expertise of the global developer community. This commitment ensures that our solutions remain cutting-edge, transparent, and aligned with the best practices in the industry.

Last updated